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260 Scripts PHP !
Size: 37350 KB
PHP Scripts Only 4 U
In pack :
-> Submit-A-Link Style Script linksubmit.zip
-> Suggest My Site Script suggest.zip
-> Users Online Script #1 usersonline.zip
-> Users Online Script #2 cjusersonline.zip
-> Advanced Guestbook Script guestbook.zip
-> Affiliate Banner Rotation Script adrotator.zip
-> Affiliate Linkmaster affiliatemask.zip
-> Affiliate Program (Advanced Version) postaffiliate.zip
-> Affiliate Program (Basic Version) phpaffiliate.zip
-> Another PHP Web FTP Program webftp.zip
-> Auction Website phpauction.zip
-> Auto Hits Script scau.zip
-> Automated Form Submission Prevention human.zip
-> Bookmarks/Favorites Script bookmarks.zip
-> Build a Webring webring.zip
-> ClickBank "Thank You" Page Protector Script cbscript.zip
-> Client Invoicing Script myinvoice.zip
-> Document Management System sdms.zip
-> Easy Administration Program easyadmin.zip
-> EasyStream easystream.zip
-> Electronic Reminder Script ereminder.zip
-> Expired Domain Finder wgs-expire.zip
-> FAQ Generator whatdafaq.zip
-> FAQ Manager faqmanager.zip
-> FFA Links Page Script ffalinks.zip
-> File Transfer Script net2ftp.zip
-> Hot Mailing List Script newsletter.zip
-> ICQ Pager Script pager.zip
-> Image to ASCII Generator img2ascii.zip
-> Image Watermarking Script watermark.zip
-> Instant Photo Gallery Script instantgallery.zip
-> Instant Site Maker instantsm.zip
-> Link Listing Script links.zip
-> Links Exchange Website conservatory.zip
-> Live Help Script livehelp.zip
-> MySQL Database Backup Perl Script backupscript.zip
-> News Publishing Script topstory.zip
-> Office Intranet Suite intranet.zip
-> Online Classifieds Script classifieds.zip
-> Online MultiPlayer Chess webchess.zip
-> OsCommerce PHP Shopping Cart oscommerce.zip
-> PassGen passgen.zip
-> PaymentPal paymentpal.zip
-> Perpetual Traffic Generator trafficgenerator.zip
-> PHP & MySQL Content Management System contentm.zip
-> PHP Form To Email Script SECURE! emailer.zip
-> PHP Message Boards Script messageboard.zip
-> PHP-based eCard Script/Website gcards.zip
-> POP-UP Creator popup.zip
-> Powerful Portal with Content Management phpx.zip
-> Secure Authentication Script authentication.zip
-> Simple Yet Powerful Download Counter Script hitcounter.zip
-> Sophisticated PHP Ecommerce Site xtcommerce.zip
-> Sports League, Fixture and Prediction Management Script phpfootball.zip
-> Toplist Website Manager #1 toplist.zip
-> Toplist Website Manager #2 topsites.zip
-> USENET News Client newsgroup.zip
-> Visitor Logging Script tollbooth.zip
-> Web Event Calendar calendar.zip
-> Web Portal System geeklog.zip
-> Web-Based Address Book Script wa-boo.zip
-> Web-based Image Management System photoseek.zip
-> Web-based POP Email Client webmail.zip
-> Website Stats Business trafficgopher.zip
-> Whois Lookup whois.zip
-> Yahoo Style Link Directory/Search Engine sslinks.zip
By: admin (cisti)
Zpanel - Windows Hosting Control Panel!
* Installable scripts. Scripts (php/asp) quickly install into the customers account.
o ASP scripts can be hidden for just in case your server doesn't support ASP.
* Easy bulletin board (forum) installation.
* Direct server information to your clients.
o Server type, PHP version, ASP
* Helpful scripts right at your clients' fingertips.
o Total hits, currently viewing page
* Easy chat service installation.
* E-Mail server information for your customers.
* Easy administration of their MySQL databases. [phpmyadmin]
* Display your server's status.
o Is the FTP server up? Is the MySQL server up? ....
* Show users how much of their quota is in use (uses a pie chart)
* Access to great network tools
o Host Resolve/Reverse Lookup
o Get DNS Records
o Whois
o Ping Host
o Traceroute
* Easy administration page to edit any aspect of ZPanel
* Representatives of your company have access to view customers information and leave notes on their account.
* File Manager that connects to your FTP server for file management behind firewalls. [only for apache]
* Private messaging system between users [v2.0]
* Easy to use template system, make your own template for your company's ZPanel! [v2.0]
* Mass E-Mail for system admins so they can e-mail all of the clientbase with one simple form. [v2.0]
* Languages based out of files, which allows the expansion of different translations [v2.0]
* Users can backup their MySQL databases with a click of a link. [v2.5]
* Track where your clients are while they're logged in. [v2.5]
* Users can customize their experience by choosing from any of the templates available. [v2.5]
* Integrated Paypal IPN so your customers can pay their bill directly from ZPanel. [v2.5]
* MD5 password encryption to keep your users safe. [v2.5]
* Customizable welcome e-mail upon signup. [v2.5]
* Password recovery option over e-mail. [v2.5]
* Clients can password any directories using our Password Management (htaccess). [v2.5]
* Clients can generate META tags directly from ZPanel. [v2.5]
* Customizable error messages per client. [v2.5]
* Redirection manager (htaccess). [v2.5]
* Automatic "Under Construction" page put in place when a user signs up. [v2.5]
By: admin (cisti)
30 Best SMS Scripts And Tools
CMD2PHONE v101b5
CMD2SMS v238b170
insms 30062free
psms 42
Setup Send SMS v1.3
sms 14
Sms er
sms set
sms tele2
Sms ukr
sMs v.1.1.2
sms volga 2.41
Text2PhoneLite v2212b235
By: admin (cisti)